"Wondrous You" Wins Silver Medal in Moonbeam Children's Book Award

I'm so excited to share the news that my debut book released last year has just won its first award. 

Wondrous You earned the Silver Medal for children's poetry in the 2021 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards!

The purpose of the Moonbeam Awards is to highlight books that encourage children to be generous, compassionate, and to stand up for the rights of themselves and others. Over 1500 books from both traditional and indie publishers were submitted.

I am honored to be among this year's winners and so proud of the work Wondrous You has done in the world in its first year in print.

This book was a love letter to my daughter Chloe and to the child within my own heart reminding us both that our voices matter, we are not our bodies, healing begins within, and so many other important messages. The words on the page represent not only the way I parent but also the way I hope to show up in the world. It is a tremendous honor to see it recognized in this way.  

  • If you haven't already purchased a copy, I invite you to welcome this empowering and award-winning book into your home and your heart and to perhaps gift a copy this holiday season.

  • If you already own the book, THANK YOU!! I do a literal happy dance every time a copy of one of my books is sold. :)

  • If you loved the book, please consider leaving a review wherever you purchased it. Authors rely on reader reviews to get the word out about our books.

I cannot thank you deeply enough for the support this past year. Here's to chasing dreams and realizing them.