A How-To on Hearing Your Guides

A client this week asked for guidance on how to know when she's hearing from her guides versus her own thoughts.

(I LOVED this question!) 

And while some of their response was tailored to her specifically, much of their guidance can be applied universally. 

They said that more often than not, you won't experience your guides and their messages as thoughts. You'll experience them as deep, clear knowings or feelings of peace or calm.

Yes, you may also have a thought that accompanies the knowing or feeling, but your guides communicate to you firstthrough the heart, not the head. 

Most of us are consumed by the racetrack of our minds, so hearing your guides requires a shift in focus away from the head and into the heart. 

Her guides offered her a few specific visualization tools that catered to the way she works, but generally anything you can do to quiet the mind and allow you to feel softness in the heart will help you access your guides. 

For me, meditation is my go-to tool. For others it may be a walk in nature or a breathing exercise. There is no set formula. It's all about you and what you need. 

You can, however, talk TO your guides anytime you want. No need to be calm, cool and have it all together. 

It would supremely suck if we had to get heart-centered every time we wanted to ask for help. I'm guessing that 99 times out of 100 that's not the state we're in if we're needing help in the first place. 

It also doesn't mean that you won't hear your guides even if you're not in your heart. It's just that the messages are easier to come through and to trust when you're using that as your main supernatural highway of communication. 

Your guides, like friends, love being called on. They want you to build relationship with them and to speak to them often. 

I try to take a few breaths every day, close my eyes, feel my heart and just hey to my guides. Seriously, I'm like, "Heyyyyyy!"

Relationships have to be nurtured to be strong and rich, and this one is no different. 

If you're feeling the tug, maybe take a moment now to close your eyes, take a few breaths, place your attention on your heart and feel the little flutter of peace that settles over you. Maybe you speak out loud and say something like this: 

"Hey guides, it's me. Thanks for being here for me. I appreciate you so much and would love to talk to you more. I'm working on hearing you better too, so feel free to chatter away. I would love your advice and guidance. Show me a sign today to know you're here, and give me that clear knowing of how I can best communicate with you. Thank you! You're the BEST." 

And since I love a mantra, you can use this little chant to remind you to talk to your guides and to use your heart: 

I am not alone. My heart is the microphone. <3