The Aliens that Meditate With Me

The beings are back.

There was a time at the end of last year when they were there every morning. When I would close my eyes and breathe through my body, and just like that they would appear. Usually there were three of them, and they worked swiftly and thoroughly. 

It was a strange feeling to know I was being tinkered with, to literally feel cords of energy being stretched outside my body, scrubbed at incredible speeds and then returned. To know that I was being watched and adjusted, tuned and programmed. 

Our Family's Transition into Full-Time Travel

Our Family's Transition into Full-Time Travel

On Memorial Day of 2015, my husband and I loaded ourselves and our almost-three-year-old daughter up in our SUV pulling a tiny U-Haul trailer filled with what was left of our worldly possessions and drove 1,000 miles across the Southwest USA to our new temporary home in Durango, Colorado. After nine months of planning, researching and selling our things, we officially began a life of full-time slow-travel and willingly flung ourselves into the Great Unknown.

Why Everyone Needs an Intuitive

Why Everyone Needs an Intuitive

Going to a psychic or intuitive for the first time can be daunting for some. There is an immense amount of noise in our culture and media that creates stigma and fear around this sort of thing. The Western world has only in the last few decades begun to embrace the more spiritual practices of the East, and even though more and more people now readily utilize acupuncture, yoga, meditation and other energetic modalities of healing and wellbeing, there is still much confusion and miseducation about the nature of Spirit and energy in our lives. 

The Spiritual Practice That is a Complete Game Changer

The Spiritual Practice That is a Complete Game Changer

Are you actively communicating with the Divine? Your highest self? That whisper that lives in your heart? When you are in communication with anyone in your life it means that you're doing three things.

  1. You're sending information to them.
  2. You're receiving information from them.
  3. You're holding space for that sending and receiving. 

How Working Out Has Healed My Life

How Working Out Has Healed My Life

In the past 6 months or so I've shed about twenty pounds of physical weight and another ton of energetic weight. I feel stronger and healthier than I ever have in my life, and I'm looking at my body and the ways in which I support it through a completely new lens. 

In technical terms, you could say that I've lost the weight the good old-fashioned way, through diet and exercise. And while I've adopted better habits in those areas, the truth is that it's all about the energy. My body is finally catching up on the outside to what my heart and mind feel like on the inside.

And the whole process has felt effortless.

How Meditation Has Changed My Life

How Meditation Has Changed My Life

Aside from the mechanics of how to actually meditate, the question I get most often about my personal meditation practice is how meditation has changed my life. And actually, those who are close to me don't even ask anymore; it's glaringly evident. I am seriously the happiest person I know. It has been just over a year and a half since I attended that first meditation workshop that set this all in motion, and to say my life has changed would be an understatement. In the time that I have been practicing this work, my dreams have unfolded in the most beautiful and loving ways, and it literally just keeps getting better and better.

What is Meditation? And Why is it Important?

What is Meditation? And Why is it Important?

Simply put, meditation is the quieting of the mind that allows the body deep, cleansing rest. When the body is allowed to slip into this state of rest, amazing things begin to happen. Stress releases. Cells rebuild. Energy moves. Healing occurs. Even five minutes a day can have a tremendous impact on your health and wellbeing. These days most of us live in a perpetual state of stress, yet we don't quite understand how this is physically impacting our health. How are our thoughts and day-to-day stressors creating such tangible effects in our bodies? And how can meditation reverse this?

Meditating with my Daughter

Meditating with my Daughter

I have been a daily meditator for more than half of my daughter's precious 2.5 year life. So it's something she's used to hearing about and seeing in our home quite regularly. She knows that I rise before her in the morning to meditate, and she practices her own minute meditations before bed. We talk about energy and the Oneness, and we use deep breathing as our first line of defense when we get sad or frustrated.

Everything You've Been Wanting to Know about Angel Readings, Talking to Dead People, and My Psychic Gifts

Everything You've Been Wanting to Know about Angel Readings, Talking to Dead People, and My Psychic Gifts

In the past few months I have felt a strong call from the Divine to go inward, to create space for myself, and to be still. This has manifested itself in the letting go of many of my professional services as well as many of my social media accounts. No more coaching. No more women's group. No more Facebook. Not even meditation teaching for the time being. But for some reason amidst all that shedding the Angel Readings have asked to stay. 

5 Things We Learned Climbing Enchanted Rock with a Toddler

5 Things We Learned Climbing Enchanted Rock with a Toddler

Monday was Brian's 33rd birthday, and in honor of the changes brewing in our life (more on that soon), we decided to climb Enchanted Rock as a family. It felt a bit ambitious with a 2-year-old, but we've both been craving a little adventure. And at just under two hours from our house, it is close enough to feel semi-convenient and far enough to feel like travel.